Victims Rights

Some highlights of the Iowa Law regarding Victims Rights are as follows, the right to:

  • Register with the Sheriff's Department to be notified when a defendant is released from jail.
  • The scheduled date, time and place of trial and cancellation or postponement of a court proceeding that requires the victim's attendance.
  • To be informed of any plea agreements related to the crime.
  • To make a written or oral victim impact statement.
  • To apply to the Iowa Crime Victim Compensation Program which pays for medical expenses and lost income in cases of violent crime.
  • Restitution for ___ losses in the process of seeking such relief.
  • To register with the Department of Corrections and the Board of Parole to be notified of parole hearings and inmates release.
  • To register with the Department of Justice to be notified of the filing of an appeal.